Pakistan Basis ynformaasje
Lokale tiid | Dyn tiid |
Lokale tiidsône | Tiidsône ferskil |
UTC/GMT +5 oere |
breedte / lingtegraad |
30°26'30"N / 69°21'35"E |
iso kodearring |
PK / PAK |
muntsoarte |
Rupee (PKR) |
Taal |
Punjabi 48% Sindhi 12% Saraiki (a Punjabi variant) 10% Pashto (alternate name Pashtu) 8% Urdu (official) 8% Balochi 3% Hindko 2% Brahui 1% English (official; lingua franca of Pakistani elite and most government ministries) Burushaski and other |
elektrisiteit |
Typ c Jeropeeske 2-pin Typ d âlde Britske stekker |
nasjonale flagge |
haadstêd |
Islamabad |
banken list |
Pakistan banken list |
befolking |
184,404,791 |
krite |
803,940 KM2 |
236,500,000,000 |
tillefoan |
5,803,000 |
Mobile tillefoan |
125,000,000 |
Oantal ynternethosts |
365,813 |
Oantal ynternetbrûkers |
20,431,000 |