Guinea lub teb chaws code +224

Hu rau li cas Guinea





IDDlub teb chaws code Lub nroog codetus xov tooj

Guinea Cov Ntaub Ntawv Sau Yooj Yim

Sijhawm hauv zos Koj lub sijhawm

Zos cheeb tsam Sij hawm cheeb tsam sib txawv
UTC/GMT 0 teev

latitude / ntev ntev
9°56'5"N / 11°17'1"W
iso encoding
Franc (GNF)
French (official)
hluav taws xob
Ntaus c European 2-nawj Ntaus c European 2-nawj
F-hom Shuko ntsaws F-hom Shuko ntsaws

chij teb chaws
Guineachij teb chaws
cov npe hauv txhab cia nyiaj
Guinea cov npe hauv txhab cia nyiaj
thaj chaw
245,857 KM2
xov tooj
Xov tooj ntawm tes
Tus naj npawb ntawm Is Taws Nem
Tus naj npawb ntawm cov neeg siv Is Taws Nem

Guinea taw qhia

Guinea thaj tsam thaj tsam thaj tsam li 246,000 square km. Nws nyob ntawm ntug dej hiav txwv sab hnub poob ntawm teb chaws Africa sab hnub poob. Nws muaj ciam teb rau Guinea-Bissau, Senegal thiab Mali rau sab qaum teb, Côte d'Ivoire mus rau sab hnub tuaj, Sierra Leone thiab Liberia mus rau sab qab teb, thiab Dej hiav txwv Atlantic nyob rau sab hnub poob. Thaj chaw yog qhov nyuaj thiab thaj chaw tag nrho tau muab faib ua 4 thaj chaw: sab hnub poob yog qhov ntev thiab nqaim nqaum qhov chaw tiaj, qhov nruab nrab yog Futada Djallon Plateau nrog qhov nruab nrab nce siab txog 900 meters, thiab peb tus dej tseem ceeb hauv West Africa-the Niger, Senegal thiab Gambia txhua qhov pib ntawm no. Lub npe hu ua "West Africa Dej Ntauwd", Yav Qaum Teb yog qhov toj siab nrog qhov nruab nrab nce txog 300 meters, thiab sab qab teb sab hnub tuaj yog toj siab Guinea.

Lub teb chaws muaj neeg coob txog 9.64 lab (2006). Muaj ntau dua 20 pawg haiv neeg. Hauv lawv, Fula (tseem hu ua Pall) suav txog 40% ntawm cov pej xeem hauv lub tebchaws, Malinkai txog 30%, thiab Susu txog 16%. Cov lus raug yog lus Fab Kis. Txhua haiv neeg muaj nws cov lus, cov lus tseem ceeb yog Susu, Malinkai thiab Fula (tseem hu ua Pall). Kwv yees li ntawm 87% ntawm cov pej xeem ntseeg Islam, 5% ntseeg hauv Catholicism, thiab lwm tus ntseeg ntseeg txog fetishism.

Txij xyoo 9 mus txog xyoo 15 AD, Guinea yog ib feem ntawm Lub Tebchaws Ghana thiab Lub Tebchaws Mali. Cov Portuguese colonialists ntxeem tau Guinea nyob rau xyoo pua 15, tom qab ntawd Spain, Tebchaws Netherlands, Fabkis, thiab United Kingdom. Xyoo 1842-1897, Fabkis cov neeg sab nrauv tau kos npe ntau dua 30 "kev tiv thaiv" cov lus cog tseg nrog cov pab pawg tus thawj coj txhua qhov chaw. Berlin Lub Rooj Sib Tham ntawm 1885 tau muab faib ua lus fab kis ntawm Fab Kis. Nws tau tis npe rau Fabkis Guinea thaum xyoo 1893. Guinea xav tau kev ywj pheej tam sim ntawd xyoo 1958 thiab nws tsis kam mus nyob hauv Fab Kis. Thaum Lub Kaum Hlis 2 ntawm tib lub xyoo, muaj kev ywj pheej tau tshaj tawm thiab Tsoom Fwv Tebchaws Guinea tau tsim. Xyoo 1984, lub teb chaws tau hloov npe hu ua "Republic of Guinea" (tseem hu ua "Republic Republic of Guinea" thib ob), thiab Conte los ua tus thawj coj thib ob ntawm Guinea tom qab kev ywj pheej. Nyob rau lub Ib Hlis xyoo 1994, Koom pheej thib peb tau tsim tsa.

Lub teb chaws chij: Nws yog plaub nrog cov lus qhia kom ntev li ntawm 3: 2. Nws muaj li ntawm peb cov duab plaub sib law liag thiab sib npaug, uas yog xim liab, daj, thiab ntsuab raws li sab laug rau sab xis. Cov cim liab ua piv txwv txog cov ntshav ntawm cov neeg tua tuag sib ntaus sib tua kom muaj kev ywj pheej, thiab tseem yog lub cim ua kev txi los ntawm cov neeg ua haujlwm txhawm rau txhim tsa lub teb lub teb; Tsis tas li ntawd, cov xim liab, daj, thiab xim ntsuab kuj yog cov xim yias-African, uas tau pom los ntawm Guineans ua cov cim ntawm "kev nquag, kev ncaj ncees, thiab kev sib koom ua ke".

Guinea yog ib lub teb chaws uas muaj neeg txhim kho tsawg tshaj plaws nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb, Xyoo 2005, nws qhov capita ntawm GDP tsuas yog US $ 355.